New to blogging and posting, so want to do something quick and easy to test the waters :). This 5-minute DIY is all about up-cycling. While clearing out a drawer the other day, I came across this black see-through sleeve - the packaging of a watch I bought ages ago. I figured it would make a nice mini wallet, and decided to jazz it up and make it more fun to look at. So with some trimming, a hot glue gun and a large flat-back stone, here's what I did:
1. Cut the trim down to the size of the sleeve, 2 pieces - one for the front, one for the back.
2. Got the hot glue gun, and applied a generous amount to the back of the trim.
3. Glued it on.
4. Repeated steps 2 & 3 for the other side.
5. Added a flat-back jewel on one side, for a little more bling.

The sleeve
Gold and black Mesh trim

Trim cut to size
Trim securely glued on
Purple diamond shaped jewel (also hot-glued on)
Finished product
Voila, all done!
It's the perfect size for my blackberry, some money and my business cards.
Cute, quick and super-easy!